From the Cockpit – Summer 1994

Well, here we go, heading into the Summer, and what a relief it must be for those of you who have suffered through one of the worst winters on record, especially in the Eastern half of the nation. We knew you must have had enough of it, when customers started asking what the weather was like out here! Normally they couldn’t care less what it’s like inCalifornia, but we managed to warm them up on the telephone by telling them that it couldn’t last forever, and we would do all we could to keep that classic British car ready to go when the sun returned. Well here we are in May-the “spring has sprung, the grass is riz – I wonder where that oil can is”! Go for it!

Thanks also to all of you who were concerned about our welfare after the earthquake and called to see how we were in Goleta. You know the British car community is almost like family despite the occasional marque differences, (and what family never had differences?,) but all in all we get along together pretty well, and it’s nice to feel that common bond that brings us all together in times of adversity.

Wc would also like to thank all those who have noticed the different presentation for “Moss Motoring”, and have written to tell us how much you like it. Well that’s fine, but how about telling us what you DON’T like, or what you would like to see in these pages? How about writing something for us to print something that would interest nearly 200,000 British car enthusiasts worldwide? That’s no idle boast, we have readers from Australia to Zaire, and regularly mail quite a considerable number of copies of “Moss Motoring” overseas. In fact, we justly claim to be the widest read British Sports car newspaper in the world! So let’s have your input, and remember you could earn yourself a valuable gift certificate for your contribution.

Anyway , that’s enough from me, this is not just one individual’s newspaper! This is YOUR newspaper, and we will be devoting more space to your letters, articles and photographs in future issues, so please do write and tell us what you wish to see, and we’ll try and accommodate all points of view.

‘Till next time – have a great driving Summer!

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