Tagged Auction


As the Gavel Falls – Classic Car Auctions

They’re the automotive equivalent of reality TV: today’s televised collector car auctions. Once the domain of just those in the know, these events have become a big deal thanks to their big prices, big lights, big ratings and big excitement. There’s a method to this sensory overload, assuming you can take in the whole picture….


The Wind in My Hair

A tale of MGTC auction action by Ron Hollander Ron is a proud member of the MG Car Club—Long Island Centre (NY). This story originally appeared in the club’s superb monthly magazine, Skidmarks. You have to understand about my new TC: It is the car I always wanted. By “always” I’m talking an easy 52…


The Not-So-Silent Auction

by Vinny Minchillo Owning an MGA is more about love than money, but many of us still like to keep an eye on the changing values of our cars. This brings us to a popular online auction site that specializes in unusual and collector vehicles. While it’s great to see all these wonderful cars, the…


Auction Report – H & H Auctions

Given that the overwhelming majority of British sports car production in the postwar era went to fill export orders, these cars are typically more valued in their land of creation than they are here in the United States. As such, it’s always helpful to check prices across the pond to see how the market is…


Auction Report – A Tale of the MG TD x 3

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity.”  The words were written by Charles Dickens to describe the plight of the French peasantry but very easily could…


Auction Report – Austin-Healey 3000 Mk II BN7

Even for ardent enthusiasts, it’s often surprising to find out that the overwhelming majority of British sports cars were exported to the North American market. In the early days of Austin-Healey and the Triumph TR in particular, for every car that was reserved for the home market at least ten headed overseas. For these reasons,…


Class Struggle – British Sports Car Values

The question is asked of us quite often, “what’s my British sports car worth?” The easy answer, like most things in life, is it depends. British sports car values depend on many factors. What does it depend on? Largely, it hinges on condition, and then is followed by lesser contributing factors like color, timing, trim…

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